It was May and I was finally in campus! I'd gotten away from home and I could actually actively begin to enjoy being pregnant without any guilt at 6 months. Walk into class and I was the pregnant girl in a class that was full of 19 and 20 year old students.
They were shocked of course and I can't blame them. My lecturers were shocked at first but I noticed that they treated me differently. I dare say it was respect. They would congratulate me for my baby and it made me glow. That of course gave me more energy to concentrate in class.
Time flew past and the last three months were filled with books, fatigue and lots of cravings! In the background though there were those that didn't approve of my choice, or was it that they didn't approve of the mistake? Some women would stare in disbelief, disgust and sometimes even disappointment at my carrying the pregnancy all over the place.
It honestly felt bad especially because I knew I had made the right choice. I shared my thoughts with my mum and she reminded me to keep my head high at all times. "You made a great decision and no one should put you down for it", mummy said and that renewed my energy. She made a point of visiting me every month and walking around with me everywhere we went. That gave me even greater courage to continue with my journey.
My age-mates of course remained at arm's length because who wants to be associated with a pregnant girl in the first semester of university? I had a handful of friends around and these were the best. No judgement, pure fun, spiritual enrichment and doing my dishes and laundry when my back couldn't take it.
These friends helped me regain my confidence and pushed me ever so lightly back to the Lord that I just found myself seeking Him even more.
If ever you have a pregnant friend, be that kind of friend. Lift them up and massage their legs, pray for them, pray with them, cry with them and try to understand what it is they are going through. Don't forget to laugh with them!